Funny Picture Blog

Have you got a folder full of stupid images you have harvested from the internet over a period of years – I have. And so does the guy I work with. This had me thinking about how best to share this collection of crazy crap with the rest of the world. The answer – A funny picture blog. Go and possibly be amused.

Dave Sewell Retail and Sales Training

A new site I have just completed is for Dave Sewell; Retail and Training coach based here in Christchurch. Really happy with the outcome of this one, it looks great and is probably the ‘purest’ blog I’ve produced so far. Looking forward to  growing it and adding new widgets as Dave grows his blogging style.

Images Galore!

Finally got off my butt and installed wordpress and the amazing nextgen gallery on my own personal site – The reason? So I can keep all the weird and wonderful images I find on the internet in one place. Check out the image bonaza here

And… I’m indexed.

Well there you go – 36 minutes. Google is not messing around these days.

Dragon Quest VIII – Current Game Status

Dragon Quest VIII

The look on my wife’s face said it all really – Here we go again. The thing about Dragon Quest games is that sense of familiarity, those lucky enough to have spent part of their childhood playing the odd Dragon Warrior (as it was known in the west) would call it nostalgia. My wife just says – Haven’t you played this before? Yip, I have actually played this particular Dragon Quest game when it first came out in New Zealand – but here’s the thing, I recently brought myself a Playstation One from Trademe (our version of Ebay) The lovely little grey box is kind enough to let me play NTSC games and I have been tearing through some damn fine RPGs – first up was Star Ocean, a game so brilliant and twisted that at times I giggled and cryed in joy. Next up was Breath of Fire 3 – good times in a pixellated – random encounters every 4 steps kind of way.

Dragon Quest VII

Then I thought I was ready, the time had come – Dragon Warrior VII beckoned me, oh sure the online reviews taunted me with comments like ‘only for the hardcore’ and ‘a 120 hour journey filled with shit’ – ok maybe I made that last one up. The first 4 hours dragged a bit, I told myself that the game was testing me, if I could break through the 10 hour mark things would start getting exciting. 12 hours of game play later and I was broken, the graphics were getting to me – The wife in her infinite wisdom said something along the lines of ‘this game looks like crap’ I had to agree, it really did look like crap. Minor things bugged me, when the characters stopped walking, their legs still animated (badly). I saw a cut scene and it looked like something I made in college using Strata Studio Pro – that’s not a good thing by the way. I’m not a graphics whore by no means – There is a twinge of nostalgia to my game playing habits (I’m looking at you Final Fantasy IX) I love low-fi graphics but it occurred to me that Dragon Quest is the same game every time in many ways – the battles are the same, the music is the same, there are slimes, there more than likely will be a dragon. Why then am I playing VII with it’s terrible graphics, level grinding and slow moving story when I could simply play VIII again? Dragon Quest VII is freaking awesome; the pacing, the characters – The game is everything I have ever wanted out of a RPG and it looks incredible. If you love video games of the Japanese variety play this game NOW. Dragon Quest VII – I’m sorry, it just bored me to tears, maybe I’m not the hardcore gamer I thought I was?

Let’s get indexed by Google!

Chrono Trigger

I’ve had this account here at WordPress sitting around for a while gathering dust, it had no real content and wasn’t indexed by Google – so this morning I decided to submit it to Google via this address – that’s a pro tip for you kids out there. Sure you can get some back links, but in this case it’s not really applicable – My other sites are all commercial endeavours and I don’t really like to advertise my real name on these – paranoid much? Maybe 🙂 So… here’s the first real post, i’ve added the site to google – let’s see how long it takes to show up.